Frequently Asked Questions

  • If you are interested in making an appointment, first email me at . After getting in touch, we will schedule a 15-minute consult to see if we are a good fit. If you’d like to schedule a session at that time, I will discuss my availability and we will pick a time. 
    At the end of each session, we will decide when we will meet next. You will receive an appointment reminder the day before your next scheduled session. 

  • Individual and couples therapy sessions are 50 minutes in length. Therapy costs $155 per session. Payment is collected at the time of service electronically through a secure platform. Payment is required before scheduling your next session. 

    As of January 2024, I am in-network with Quest insurance. Please contact Quest to determine your co-pay for therapy.

  • I can legally provide therapy services to Pennsylvania and New Jersey residents. Currently, I see most clients online and a small number in person in Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia. So no! You do not have to live near Philly in order for us to work together.

  • I have evening availability and usually find a way to accommodate my client’s schedules. These slots do fill up quickly. I currently do not see clients on the weekend.

  • Aligned Life Therapy is primarily an online practice. You’ll most likely see me from my private home office. We’ll use HIPPA-compliant SimplePractice for sessions and you will receive a protected link on the day of the session. It’s important to find a private and comfortable place with strong internet for sessions.

    I have limited availability in person in the Chestnut Hill neighborhood of Philadelphia.

  • The length of therapy can vary, so my answer is as long as it is providing you benefits. I do require that new clients commit to roughly 10 weekly sessions because weekly therapy allows us to gain momentum and focus on healing and growth. As we go along, we will decide together what frequency of therapy makes sense for you (weekly, bimonthly, or monthly). Most clients can expect to be in therapy for 6 months to a year, and some people find it beneficial to stay longer to continue receiving support on their long-term goals. 

  • I accept all credit cards and HSA/FSA cards through SimplePractice.

  • When you choose an out-of-network provider the advantages are that you are ensuring your privacy, and control over your treatment, its focus and its length. I will not have to assign you a formal diagnosis or deny you treatment if you do not have a clinical disorder. I will not have to share information about your progress in treatment with any insurance companies. Your privacy and agency is top priority when you choose an out-of-network provider. You can come in for any reason and know that your information is secure. 

    The major disadvantage is that you cannot use your insurance to pay for sessions directly and in some cases at all. This means that likely, you will spend more money by choosing an out-of-network provider.

    However, many insurance companies have out-of-network benefits and you may be eligible to receive full or partial reimbursement. Please feel welcome to reach out to discuss whether out-of-network is the right choice for you.

  • I require 48 hours of weekday advance notice if you cannot make your scheduled appointment. You can let me know if you’d like to reschedule by phone or email. Clients who no-show are charged their full session fee. 

  • In the first few weeks of therapy, I want to get to know you, and I mean really get to know you. We will start out by gathering a lot of information, about what you are experiencing now, your circumstances, your family, and your life history. Once I have a well-developed picture of what’s going on, and how the past has shaped you, and what you’d love to get out of therapy, we will choose goals that fit into your life. Each week, we can talk about what’s going on, and how this relates to your goals. We will look at how we can make small changes that connect you to your goals. 

  • My approach to therapy goes beyond relief from pain and symptoms. In my work, I help clients move towards what they determine is a well-lived life. Too often, the end goal of therapy is to remove or reduce mental health symptoms. While this is important, it can limit outcomes. You probably wouldn’t describe your best self as merely  “free from ______”. You’d likely describe it as vibrant, connected, meaningful, and so on. ALT’s mission is to get you to this place, though following what matters most to you. You can read more about my approach here

If you have unanswered questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.